West Stanly Fabrication

West Stanly Fabrication is located in Locust, NC. Specializing in Steel and Aluminum welding & fabrication. We also do Cerakote and Powder Coating on location. Give us a call to make an appointment for quotes or just drop in.

Here are a couple recent testimonials from our customers:

“Searched all around town for someone who could fabricate a few things for my truck and ATV. I met Marty through a mutual friend and he was just the man I was looking for! He make a Front Mount Hitch Receiver for my ATV so I could use a road feeder and other various ATV Accessories, also repaired the rear rack where it was cracked. Since I met Marty, he has made me several accessories for my truck too. Need something fabricated out of steel or aluminum? He’s your man!” -John Paul

” I needed some fabrication done on my SCCA race car. I was referred to Mr. McMillian by a friend and stopped in for a quote. Not only could he do the work, he was very reasonable. He did a sunroof delete, a battery box so I could relocate the car battery and is going to work on my roll cage next. Highly recommend!” @mazterovdizaster

Stop in and see us today at 212 East Main Street Warehouse in Locust, NC!